SAVEPI: System for Analysis of Economic Viability of Investment Projects.
Research Project results of Technological Development - MCTI/CNPQ nº14/2014 and Technological Initiation Project of UTFPR - Campus Pato Branco - Brazil

Developer: Luiz Fernando Puttow Southier, PIBITI/UTFPR/Fundação Araucária.

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Eng. José Donizetti de Lima

Developer: Guilherme de Melo Menegussi, PIBITI/UTFPR

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Eng. José Donizetti de Lima

Developer: Elza Meira Puppo, PIBITI/Fundação Araucária.

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Eng. José Donizetti de Lima

Attention: this is a preliminary version, still in testing. IDENTIFYING errors and inconsistencies, PLEASE NOTIFY. THE ONLY GOAL IS EDUCATIONAL.
